Hello friend,
If you’ve been subscribed with me over at SHIFT you’ve probably heard a bit about Shift Therapy® over the last few years.
At its core, Shift Therapy® is the idea that anyone can learn to guide anyone else through a shift to their state of mind and body anytime.
The concept has seeds in a live stage show that I toured to college campuses over fifteen years ago. Those audiences loved shifting together, as much as our casts loved shifting with them.
Shifting as a group that shares dreams and challenges is extremely powerful.
I want that experience again, repeatedly!
Especially now, it feels so important to me to be part of a group that prioritizes connecting with intention. So you guessed it — we’re resurrecting live group shifting events as Shift Therapy® LIVE!
Think of Shift Therapy® LIVE as a massage for your soul …
… a dose of self-exploration, creativity, community and fun …
… soothing wounds, nurturing dreams and stretching our emotional limits.
During each ~30-min Shift Therapy® LIVE event, we’ll navigate together from our current state of mind and body …
… into a deeply peaceful and present state of being.
My core motivation with this group is to create what I want for myself in 2025 and beyond: A loving, trusting connection with positive, like-minded people through consistent, beautiful, shared mindfulness shifting experiences.
I believe this group will make our lives better through connecting and experiencing shifts together.
So, take a long deep breath with me …
… and add your name & email here if you’re interested in learning more.
We’ll limit our group size for the first couple sessions to help make sure we get everyone’s feedback — so we can get it right.
Then, we’ll grow it.
If this opportunity speaks to you too, I’ll keep you posted with details and updates as our first events approach.
Can’t wait!
Stay present,
P.S. — Here’s a Presence Shift® I like a lot — in case that’s what you need right now.
The Presence Shift FAQs
BIG DISCLAIMER: The Presence Shift®, Shift Therapy® and Shift Therapy® LIVE provide wellness content. They are not intended as medical advice, or as a replacement for professional mental health advice or services. We, and Dr. Sullivan, can’t ever respond to you with personalized psychology feedback or advice, and we do not provide any mental health services here. We teach presence shifting — shifting yourself into a better state of mind with mindfulness.
What is The Presence Shift®?
The Presence Shift® is a digital wellness destination operated by Harvard University educated and UCSF trained psychologist, Dr. Sean Sullivan, to guide subscribers through strategically shifting into a better state of mind, body and being at any time.
Subscribers have access to Presence Shifts® to strategically shift their state of mind, body and being at any time.
What are Presence Shifts®?
Presence Shifts® are beautiful interactive experiences that mindfully guide you into your selected state of being while teaching you how to shift your state whenever you choose.
What are Mindfulness, Mindfulness Shifting, and Presence Shifting?
Mindfulness is the experience you have when you focus 100% of your attention in the present moment as non-judgmentally as you can (i.e., nonjudgemental present moment awareness).
Mindfulness shifting is using mindfulness skills to strategically regulate your physical and emotional state whenever you choose.
Presence shifting is ‘mindfulness shifting’ in a beautiful, conversational world of peace, love, and humor where you learn how to shift your state of being on-demand — often alongside your loving guide, ‘Presence.’
Does Presence Shifting Work?
We believe it works very well. Over the last four years, ~90% of our surveyed ‘Shift’ app users reported being able to shift into a better state of mind while using the app, usually in less than 10 minutes.
When you master focusing 100% of your attention right here and right now, you can drop into a ‘present’ state of mind and body, and then learn shift your state of being as you choose.
How Do I Learn To Presence Shift®?
1. To develop a foundation of mindfulness shifting skills, begin by completing The 7-Day Presence Shift Starter Program.
2. Regularly Presence Shift® through different states of mind, body, and emotion. You’ll receive one new 3D Presence Shift and one new 2D Presence Shift each week. See below for more details about the types of Presence Shifts you’ll receive.
Your weekly Presence Shifts® will cover a range of topics while teaching you our favorite strategies for shifting your state of mind and body on demand. All subscriptions allow you to Presence Shift as frequently as you choose. We recommend presence shifting at least once a week to maintain progress.
What Is The 7-Day Presence Shift Starter Program?
The 7-Day Presence Shift Starter Program includes seven introductory daily emails that introduce the core skills for developing your mindfulness-shifting ability in ~10 minutes a day.
What Kinds of Presence Shift®s Are There?
ALL Presence Shifts are ~10-minute mindfulness shifting experiences that guide you into a selected state of mind and body.
2D Presence Shifts are consumed by reading an email you receive, as a podcast, or in a more personalized format in the ‘Shift’ mobile app — iPhone | Android.
3D Presence Shifts are beautiful, conversational, 3D mindfulness shifting experiences guided by Presence that teach you how to shift into your chosen state of being at presenceshift.com.
Feel free to repeat any Presence Shift® as frequently as you choose. Each experience will feel different because you are different in every moment. In your 3D Presence Shifts, Presence will typically converse differently with you each time.
Does Presence Use AI?
At The Presence Shift®, we are committed to using AI in ways that help people learn how to shift into their chosen state of being when they want to. We are also constantly assessing the possible risks and benefits of using AI. Currently, ‘Presence’ uses a very small amount of AI during The 7-Day Starter Program. If you enjoy your early experiences and you want to continue allowing Presence to guide your Presence Shifts, you’ll be informed about possible mistakes Presence can make and asked to agree in order to continue.
As you continue presence shifting, AI will likely be relied upon to optimize your Presence Shifts more. Presence’s AI can help optimize Presence Shifts by learning what does and does not work for you during your Presence Shift experiences. Presence can also learn and improve from other shifter’s input and feedback. If you’d rather stick with low-AI or no-AI Presence Shifts, you'll have excellent Presence Shift options to do so. It’s always up to you.
Who Teaches The 7-Day Presence Shift Starter Program?
The 7-Day Presence Shift Starter Program is presented by Dr. Sean Sullivan. Sean is a licensed clinical psychologist who developed (and fell in love with) presence shifting during over twenty years of personal practice and his therapy practice. In his psychology practice and research, Sean focuses on how to use technology to teach people how to better manage their own psychology better.
Sean began his psychology career after graduating from Harvard University and interning at the Center for Mindfulness and Science at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Later, he was a clinical psychology resident at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio and completed post-doctoral training based at the University of California, San Francisco.
Some housekeeping
You’ll want to “whitelist” or otherwise tell your email provider that messages from @substack.com are solid with you.
Also, if you use Gmail, our emails may end up in your Promotional tab because we send some weekly emails to many subscribers at the same a time. Just move those emails from us into your general inbox and you should be good moving forward.
More Support?
Dr. Sullivan is not able to provide direct personal feedback or mental health advice online. If you need more support, ‘Wanna Talk About It’ is a great place to begin connecting with live support. If you think you may need help, please find the support you need. A new coach, or therapist, or friend can change your life!