The Presence Shift®
The Presence Shift®
Shift Your Daily Emotional Cycle
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -6:42

Shift Your Daily Emotional Cycle

Let's take a long, deep breath together.

How are you?

How about a couple long, deep breaths?

I hope things are good with you.

Have you been living in a present state of mind and body lately?

It's worth taking stock of that.

When you take stock, you tend to prioritize it more moving forward.

How present have you been feeling lately?

One way to think about that topic, and your mental health, and your day to day life, is to recognize that we each go through emotional patterns that repeat every day.

For a few minutes, think about a 24-hour day as a single emotional cycle.

If you were to map one of your 24-hour periods to another within some close proximity in time, in all likelihood you would see enormous overlap in the emotional pattern that you roll through during the course of each 24 hours.

We often think of the content that's causing or provoking our emotional cycles to be the important aspect to pay attention to.

However, if you have an existing pattern of emotion that you repeat regularly — and we all do — then you should begin by focusing on noticing what that pattern is for you.

That’s a good way to better understand yourself and your mental wellness.

Developing a baseline understanding of your repeating emotional patterns, and how to improve your patterns, (e.g., by learning to shift your emotional state when you choose to), is incredibly helpful to feeling more connected to the present moment of your life more often.

To put that a bit more concretely…

Perhaps you wake up stressed in the middle of the night during one of your emotional cycles.

Maybe you wake up happy in the morning.

Later in the day, you might feel guilty.

Maybe you feel guilty because something happened during the day.

Or instead, maybe it’s because you tend to feel guilty regularly as part of a repeating an emotional pattern regularly.

If you do feel shame or guilty regularly, your mind is managing to consistently populate itself with content (e.g., thoughts, conversation, media, etc.) that provoke you to feel of guilt or shame regularly.

In a future Shift, we’ll walk through a process for evaluating your own emotional pattern. Today, we’ll just notice the fact that we each experience repeating emotional patterns.

Noticing any aspect of your patterns can help you become more aware of how your mental health is revolving repetitively each day.

Even just knowing that your emotional patterns exist will make it easier to recognize them in the future.

If you can also notice a repeating emotion, you're in a position to do something about it…

Presence Shift.

By doing so, you learn how to recognize that when you’re feeling guilty (for example) it may be because you feel guilty regularly — and not because you actually should be feeling guilt, or shame, or anger, or frustration, or whatever the repeating emotion might be for you.

Let’s take a long, deep breath.

Notice how you feel right now.

Relax your shoulders.

Relax your arms.

Sink into your space.

Set an intention to be 100% present for the next minute or two.

Sink deeper into your space now.

Feel your body weight pressing down.

Allow your head to fall backwards if you want to.

If it feels good, relax even further.


Now, set the intention to be 100% present again.


Listen to life AND feel life on your skin at the same time.

I want you to focus 100% of your attention on listening to AND feeling what life feel like right now — for the next 30 seconds.


Listen and feel.

Can you notice how your body shifts into presence as you allow any thoughts or emotional cycles that may bubble up, to relax away as you just listen and feel?


Now, release everything into the ether.

Release the contents of your inner world

Release your thoughts.

Release any emotion.

Invite it all to fade away for now.

If thoughts arise to distract you from your pure intention to be present, notice them and let them go.

Notice them as cyclical thoughts that provoke cyclical emotions.

Take another long, deep breath.


Feel yourself coming into presence.

Allow your full attention to be focused right here.

Listen right now.


After I say goodbye for today, keep listening to life for as long as you choose.

Keep listening.

Stay present.


Goodbye for now, my friend.

Have a great rest of your day.

I'll talk to you soon.
