
Welcome to The Presence Shift!

Beautiful interactive experiences that shift your state of being


I’m Dr. Sean Sullivan, a clinical psychologist who has been sharing mindfulness ‘shifting’ strategies and experiences for over 20 years.  So you’re in the right place if you want to master the most valuable skill I’ve ever learned or taught: Shifting your state of being on demand using mindfulness — i.e., presence shifting.

Our hugely caring team launched The Presence Shift® into the world this year because we all experience painful losses, relationship issues, and unexpected health challenges throughout our lives. Nowadays, most of us struggle with financial stress and upsetting politics and media too. In short, life is often hard, frustrating, anger provoking – and sometimes lonely and stressful too.

Learning to mindfully ‘shift’ your state of being when you need to makes everything about life feel a whole lot more manageable, relaxed and purposeful. Making consistent, strategic, mindful shifts to how you’re feeling also strengthens your mental and physical health. That’s largely because being able to shift your state of being on demand gives you a greater sense of control in your life.

No matter what’s happening on any given day, improving your ability to mindfully shift your state will change your entire experience of life. Are you ready to begin The Presence Shift Starter Program and learn the presence shifting basics?

Start here.